spasm|spasms in English


sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, convulsion, cramp; sudden outburst of intense activity

Use "spasm|spasms" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spasm|spasms" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spasm|spasms", or refer to the context using the word "spasm|spasms" in the English Dictionary.

1. Antispasmodics and antispasticity agents are used to treat low back pain and muscle spasms and to break the “pain-spasm-pain” cycle

2. muscle spasms

3. It's not a spasm.

4. No sign of spasms.

5. Alleviating Back Spasms There are a variety of things you can do to treat back spasms effectively

6. Treatment for Blepharospasm and Hemifacial Spasm

7. To develop a Crick (cramp, spasm).

8. A spasm or fit; a convulsion.

9. A spasm of coughing woke him.

10. Paul flies into spasm of terror.

11. I felt a spasm of fear.

12. Will some spasm foreclose Earth's future?

13. Belladonna helps to decrease the spasms

14. A spasm of pain twisted Cheviot's face.

15. A spasm of pain Contorted his face

16. The injection sent his leg into spasm .

17. More likely it was the neck spasm.

18. A spasm of pain Contorted his face.

19. A spasm of pain contorted his face.

20. A spasm of accommodation (also known as a ciliary spasm, an accommodation, or Accommodative spasm) is a condition in which the ciliary muscle of the eye remains in a constant state of contraction

21. Diseased arteries are also more susceptible to spasm.

22. Attain Strengthens the Muscles and Calms the Spasms

23. Angiographical findings were typical for peripheral arterial spasm.

24. People use Angostura for fever, diarrhea, spasms, preventing the

25. Chesarynth's stomach leapt with a spasm of fear.